Asian in Asia: 59

by Ari

Let’s do a quick little recap of the month!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, time is seriously flying away from me. Every time I think I have a grip on the things that are happening in my life, something else comes flying at me.

But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love the chaos.

This month was another busy month for me. I’ve managed to step fully into routine. My days are starting to fill up and I’m starting to get in the groove of what it means to be productive again.

I’ve also tried to free up my schedule for “fun things”. But instead of actually doing the fun things, I’ve managed to just fill my time up with other work-ish related things.

One of these things is my blog and my business.
Can I even call it that? Who knows.

For those of you who don’t know. I’ve started taking Glo’s Blog like a Boss course.

It’s single handedly once of the most incredible things I’ve ever done, but also the hardest. Glo demands consistency and quality, and producing consistent, quality content has been my downfall since day one.

But, never one to back down from a challenge, I’ve set to taking this course and giving it my all. After all, is any dream truly worth doing if you aren’t willing to put in the effort to make it come true?

We’re about 50% finished with the course now and I already feel like a wealth of knowledge has been given to me. so I’m excited to see where this takes me.

In other news,

I’m much more settled into my house now and I finally feel like I can breathe a little bit. Adventures are starting to be planned and I’m getting anxious about not having traveled in a while.

I promise promise that photos will be coming shortly, but I still have some decorating ideas I want to make into reality before I show everything off a little bit.

The other big realization this month was….

I have some pretty severe social anxiety and insecurity issues to work through. This month was littered with panic attacks and mounds of tears. In every instance it was because I was dealing with some sort of insane pressure I’d put on myself. Something that shouldn’t have even been mine to burden anyways. But I’m working through it and I’m encouraged from my progress.


I booked a ticket to Bangkok for a weekend in September and to Myanmar for the week of my October break! I’m diving deep into planning mode, so if you have any tips, hit a girl up!

Things I’ve been consuming…

Books: I recently got back into reading my Chick Lit to wind down before bed and Fight or Flight it what is currently que’d up on my Kindle.

Netflix: The Big Bang Theory! I was an avid watcher for the first 6 seasons before moving abroad kind of killed those vibes. But now that it’s on Netflix, Sheldon’s voice can be heard at all hours of the day.

I’ve also been watching/rewatching the Street Food documentaries on Netflix. In fact, the Bangkok episode was the inspiration for this months trip!

Listening: I’m a huge fan of Crime Junkies, and make sure to carve out an hour to indulge on their latest murder mystery.

Noms: If I’m not eating out, I’ve been cooking a lot of zucchini! It’s not something I usually enjoy, but it’s been adding such a nice flair to my boring pasta pesto dinners!

Not unlike other months, this recap has been a little all over the place, but it’s an accurate representation of what it’s been like in my mind.

Fingers crossed that September is a little more stable. Maybe I’ll even post that one by September 30th too….

Rooting for you always

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